First AGM for Crieff & Strathearn Museum Group

Today we had our first AGM, hosted by Glenturret Distillery. The meeting was well attended and was followed by discussion and a buffet luncheon. The Board of Trustees was re-relected and a new board member was proposed.

Cash for Crieff award


A big "thank you!" to everyone who voted for our bid for an award from the Cash for Crieff fund. We did it! We have been awarded the full amount of £2017. This helps to secure our plans for events this season; well done Crieff & Strathearn Museum Supporters!!!

CASM 190316 award

Who Cares Who Cares?

This week sees the release of Architecture & Design Scotland's report on Caring Places:

You can read Diarmid Lawlor's blog on "Who cares who cares? An invitation to shape Caring Places" here.

Also "Town Centre Living: A Caring Place" here and "Why can't we live in town centres again?" by Phil Prentice here


image by Architecture & Design Scotland