Scotland's population

On the 30th August, John Pelan, director of the Scottish Council on Archives shared this National Records post:

"Yesterday we published “Scotland's Population 2018 – The Registrar General's Annual Review of Demographic Trends", the key points from which you may have seen in the news last night or this morning. ‘Scotland’s Population’ has been published every year since 1855, and it includes statistics on population, births, deaths, life expectancy, migration, marriages and civil partnerships, adoptions, and households and housing. The population figures we produce influence essential work done in planning, resource allocation, and managing the economy by colleagues across the Scottish Government, local government, and the health sector. Decisions about the allocation of billions of pounds of tax-payers’ money are heavily informed by our figures, which inform local and national policy development in many ways, such as planning and resourcing public services like bin collection, roads, water and sewage services, hospitals, care homes, housing, nurseries, schools and parks. Our data is vital. Get the full ‘Scotland’s Population’ report on our website, along with a useful infographic booklet which gives a quick overview of what the figures show."

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